Place Date Comment Material
Stockholm 2021 12 16 Proposal to contribute Bom Resolver as open source Suite of microservices
FossDEM 2022 2022 02 06 Added support to execute container as commandline utility FossDem 2022
Sidiatech 2023 02 09 Workshop with a Kanban service for education developed with the resolver Internal
Cybernoden 2023 02 28 Activate group Secure supply chains 2023-04-12 2023-05-11 2023-05-26
KTH 2023 03 08 Presentation for research project KTH Chains Slides Meetup
Cybernoden 2023 04 12 Forming meeting 1 Secure supply chains 2023-04-12
KTH 2023 04 21 2nd KTH Workshop on the Software Supply Chain Presentations
Cybernoden 2023 05 04 CRA/NIS2 Presentation for all members Recording
Cybernoden 2023 05 11 Forming meeting 2 Secure supply chains 2023-05-11
Cybernoden 2023 05 26 Forming meeting 3 Secure supply chains 2023-05-26
NOSAD 2023 06 08 Migrated public sector website to CDN Gitlab repo
Cybernode WG-4 Meeting 2023 06 14 DDOS attack calculation on NOSAD website Slides Recording
Cybernode WG-5 Meeting 2023 08 22 Hardening of static web server Slides Recording
Cybernoden 2023 08 22 Bomresolver subgroup Olle assigned to lead main group
Cybernoden 2023 09 12 Knowledge sharing between Supply chains and IoT Slides
Th1ng AB 2023 12 19 Initial meeting development projectDDOS, IEC62433 and SBOM RecordingPassword required for access
Samnet2 2024 01 18 Cybersecurity Nosad and RISE Recording 24 minutes into recording Cybernode discussed
Th1ng AB 2024 01 30 2nd workshopGithub MSC Chainguard RecordingPassword required for accessHandover and integration
KTH 2024 04 26 Poster and Social Robot demo KTH Chains Poster Full Metal Scrum